IndyStar: Indianapolis Christmas tree recycling sites open throughout city
Read the entire article by Lawrence Andrea here.
From now until Jan. 31, Marion County residents can drop their Christmas trees — which need to be free of ornaments, tinsel, tree stands and all other decorative materials — at eight different Indy Park locations.
Broad Ripple Park (1610 Broad Ripple Avenue)
Ellenberger Park (5301 East St. Clair Street)
Garfield Park (2432 Conservatory Drive)
Krannert Park (605 South High School Road)
Northwestway Park (5253 West 62nd Street)
Perry Park (451 East Stop 11 Road)
Riverside Park (2420 East Riverside Drive)
Sahm Park (6801 East 91st Street)
Trees should be dropped off only at the designated area within each park, and they will only be accepted between dawn and dusk.
Indianapolis' tree recycling program recycles trees for sustainable landscaping resources, such as mulch and soil blends that will be used in parks in the spring, according to the city. Last holiday season, 7,234 Christmas trees were chipped by park staff.