
Built Environment

  • Think about the building of your employer, school, house of worship, community center, etc. Discover potential utility savings with the utility benchmarking and transparency program, Thriving Buildings.

  • Stay updated about improving your building’s energy and water efficiencies. Sign up for Thriving Buildings updates.

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  • Take advantage of rebates offered by AES Indiana and weatherize your home to protect the interior from the elements (as well as reducing your energy bills!).

  • Replace your shingles with a “cool roof” that is lighter in color, reflecting away light in the summer time and reducing your cooling loads. - Cool Roofs

  • Open blinds and curtains for natural light.

  • Open windows and use fans in warmer months.



  • Mentor a young person to support them in their studies and career.

  • Talk to your children about sustainability and how we can all be more sustainable in our daily lives.

  • Encourage the young people in your life to gain job experience and skills development through EmployIndy’s initiatives and programs including Project Indy and Job Ready Indy.




  • Turn your heat down and A/C up by two degrees, especially if you are not home or away on a trip.

  • Reduce your water heater temperature to 130° F to save energy and money on heating water.

  • Schedule a free Home Energy Assessment through AES Indiana to learn of opportunities for energy efficiency and weatherization. Virtual home energy assessments | AES Indiana

  • Enroll in AES Indiana’s Green Power Option to support renewable energy for an additional $2.50 in your electric bill on average. Green power FAQs | AES Indiana

  • Seal air leaks and properly insulate windows to save up to 20% on heating and cooling bills, while also increasing the comfort of your home. Where to Insulate in a Home | Department of Energy

  • Have gas appliances inspected and well maintained.

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Food & Urban Agriculture

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  • Eat more plants, which have been proven to be less carbon and resource intensive than eating animal products. A great place to start is with “Meatless Mondays” or one meat-free meal a day.

  • Buy food that is in season, minimizing the distance food must travel.

  • Buy ethically grown and harvested food, like coffee and chocolate.

  • Bring lunch in reusable or biodegradable containers.

  • Only purchase food you will actually consume. You’ll help prevent the unnecessary use of energy in food production and reduce waste.

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natural resources

  • Turn off your car if you are idling for more than 10 seconds.

  • Refuel your car and mow your lawn after 7pm, which helps prevent ground-level ozone. Don’t overfill or drip fuel at the gas station.

  • Mow after 7 p.m. Keep equipment well maintained to run more efficiently. Mow with a reel mower. Trim with propane or electric-powered equipment. Use a rake or broom instead of a leaf blower.

  • Take Action on Knozone Action Days

  • Purchase an Environmental License Plate, your money will go towards the protection of Indiana's land, waters and wildlife.
    Indiana's Environmental License Plate

  • Keep a plastic bag in your car to collect trash and prevent littering.

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Public Health & Safety

  • Join free exercise classes and health programs offered at 11 local parks through Indy in Motion.

  • Store your prescription drugs in a safe location, preventing them from falling into the wrong hands.

  • Check in on the people in your life, especially the elderly and those experiencing mental health problems.

  • Practice mindfulness by doing yoga, going for a walk or even just taking deep breaths, all of which have been linked to improved mental and physical health.



Transportation & land use

  • Ride the IndyGo bus to work once a week - or even better, every day.

  • The best way to warm up your car in the winter time is by driving it. No more than 30 seconds of idling is needed.

  • Keep your personal vehicle well-tuned and tires inflated properly, saving up to 20% in gasoline use.

  • Utilize Pacers Bikeshare when traveling short distances.

  • Drive an electric, hybrid or low-emission vehicle.

  • Combine all errands into one trip. Avoid sudden starts and stops.

  • Carpool with CIRTA Commuter Connect.

  • Walk to your destination using different trails and paths around the city.



Waste & recycling

  • Bring your own reusable produce and tote bags when grocery shopping to avoid using plastic bags.

  • Purchase reusable goods like durable water bottles, cutlery, and to-go containers to avoid using single-use plastics.

  • Never throw hazardous household waste, like batteries and chemicals, in the trash. Dispose of them in an environmentally responsible way, like through ToxDrop.

  • Avoid getting food “to-go” to prevent the use of Styrofoam containers, single-use plastics utensils and plastic bags.

  • Make sure to wash and wipe dry your recyclable goods, so as to lower contamination in recycling streams.

  • Buy gently used, second-hand clothing and avoid "fast fashion."

  • Minimize your food waste by first eating what you already have in your fridge. Meal planning and making grocery lists can also reduce your food waste.
