City Sponsored E-Cycle Event Served More Than 600 Families

More than 60,000 pounds of electronic waste diverted from landfills

INDIANAPOLIS—The Indianapolis Office of Sustainability and the Department of Public Works hosted another successful post-holiday electronics recycling (E-Cycle) event this past Saturday at Garfield Park. During the five hour event, 603 cars and bicycles attended, recycling 60,689 total pounds of material.

Photos from the event are included below. Drivers remained in their cars while event staff collected their items for recycling.

The City partnered with local nonprofit RecycleForce for the event. RecycleForce is a social enterprise that reduces crime and recidivism through re-entry employment and job training opportunities while improving the environment through electronics recycling. This video details how employees will sort and recycle the precious metals and mixed plastics from the electronics collected at the event.

In addition to providing a community drop-off recycling program as well as a household hazardous waste drop-off recycling program, known as ToxDrop, the City also occasionally hosts special eCycle events as resources allow. Three similar events are being planned for 2022; more details will be announced at a later date.

Those who were unable to attend Saturday's event are encouraged to recycle unwanted electronics at no cost through the City's ToxDrop program, operating three Saturdays every month at sites located around Marion County. The regular ToxDrop times and locations can be found at

Residents can also recycle their electronics directly by utilizing RecyleForce's daily drive through service at 1255 Roosevelt Avenue.

Lindsay Trameri